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Restaurant \Donaris\ Brăila is located in Vărsătura, Romania on Strada Principală 120. Restaurant \Donaris\ Brăila is rated 4.5 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Romania.
Really good food! The mussels in wine were delicious. I highly recommend this dish.
Waiters didn't seem to care to take order. They didn't even look at the table at all. I waited 30 minutes.
Very good food and very polite service /
End of season but still great place. Big portions of food and good service. The only downside is the access from the main road, they could definitely do with a access lane or something of the sort.
Super location...and tasty
Good food and a very nice atmosphere.
Nice place with green areas and games for kids. Food is good. Big parking area
Delicious food. Nice place for camping. Great eating place for families with children.
Restaurant \Donaris\ Brăila
Strada Principală 120817027Romania
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